News blog

Manta Rays are one of the most wanted creatures to be spotted among divers. It’s truly one of the most memorable feelings when you get to swim with these “space ship” like animals. These 5-meter wide creatures are often so...
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1. Who are you / where are you / what are you doing?Minttu Räsänen, Koh Lanta, I'm in charge of the Koh Lanta office and sometimes work as a snorkeling guide in the excursions. 2. Where do you come from...
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"My whole family has been diving for many years but I gathered courage to start it for 28 years. Finally I decided to do my Open Water Course with Raya Divers at Koh Lanta." "I was quite nervous about scuba...
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Suurin osa matkailijoista suuntaavat Phukettiin rantalomalle – Kata, Karon sekä Patong Beach ovat varmastikin suosituimmat kohteet, Bantaon ja Kamalan resortteja unohtamatta. Moni lomailija unohtaa merenkiilto silmissään lisätä Phuket Townin omaan matkasuunnitelmaansa. Phuket Town on koko Phuketin saaren keskus ja on...
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Raya Divers söker säljorienterad snorkeling-guide/DM. Vill du jobba med Raya Divers och ta hand av våra svenska kunder? Vi vill att du är van vid mycket kundkontakt, har mycket goda simkunskaper och njuter av utomhuslivet. Du tycker att det är...
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