PHUKET - Discover Scuba Diving
Raya Yai island just 23 km South of Phuket is one of the best places to try scuba diving. Shallow beaches and clear water gives an easy start to the underwater world.
During the boat trip you learn the basic theory and upon arrival to Raya Yai Island basic skills are practiced in shallow water. When feeling ready the instructor takes you for a sightseeing in the nearby coral reef going maximum of 8-9 meters deep. While not a scuba certification course, Discover Scuba Diving is a quick and easy introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world.
After lunch you have the options to do surface activities, attend for another dive (additional charge) or continue to PADI Open Water Course (additional charge).
Trip Duration | 09:00-17:00 (boat trip 1,5 hours) |
Boat Type | Tour boat with sun deck |
Activities | Scuba diving, Snorkeling, swimming, sightseeing, beach games, island tour |
Lunch | Thai style buffet on the boat |
Suitable | Everyone 10 years or older with normal health |
On this trip your friends and family can participate on other activities as well (separate booking required):
Snorkeling Safari & Island Tour
Diving Trip (certified divers only)
All activities include
- Pick up from hotels
- All boat transportation and life jackets (children sizes available)
- Use of snorkeling equipment
- National park fees (if applicable)
- Lunch, snacks, fruits, drinking water, coffee and tea
- Guide or instructor services
- Insurance
Diving Courses and Discover Scuba Diving include
- Full scuba diving equipment
- All study materials
- Certification fees
What is excluded?
- Soft drinks and alcoholic drinks on all activities
- Scuba diving equipment on trips for certified divers
- PADI Membership and Pro materials fees on professional level courses
For everyone
Please do not participate on any activities if feeling ill. In case you have a medical condition that our team should be aware please contact the tour leader.
If you participate for Discover Scuba Diving or Diving Course
Please review the questions below. If you answer YES to any of the questions it doesn't necessarily disqualify you from diving but you must consult a physician prior to participating in the program.
- Could you be pregnant or are you attempting to become pregnant?
- Do you regularly take prescription or nonprescription medications? (with the exception of birth control)
- Are you over 45 years of age and have one or more of the following?
• currently smoke a pipe, cigars, or cigarettes
• have a high cholesterol level
• have a family history of heart attacks or strokes
Have you ever had or do you currently have . . . - Asthma, or wheezing with breathing, or wheezing with exercise?
- Frequent or severe attacks of hayfever or allergy?
- Frequent colds, sinusitis or bronchitis?
- Any form of lung disease?
- Pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
- History of chest surgery?
- Claustrophobia or agoraphobia (fear of closed or open spaces)?
- Behavioral health problems?
- Epilepsy, seizures, convulsions or take medications to prevent them?
- Recurring migraine headaches or take medications to prevent them?
- History of blackouts or fainting (full/partial loss of consciousness)?
- Do you frequently suffer from motion sickness (seasick, carsick, etc.)?
- History of diving accidents or decompression sickness?
- History of recurrent back problems?
- History of back surgery?
- History of diabetes?
- History of back, arm or leg problems following surgery, injury or fracture?
- Inability to perform moderate exercise (example: walk one mile within 12 minutes)?
- History of high blood pressure or take medicine to control blood pressure?
- History of any heart disease?
- History of heart attacks?
- Angina or heart surgery or blood vessel surgery?
- History of ear or sinus surgery?
- History of ear disease, hearing loss or problems with balance?
- History of problems equalizing (popping) ears with airplane or mountain travel?
- History of bleeding or other blood disorders?
- History of any type of hernia?
- History of ulcers or ulcer surgery?
- History of colostomy?
- History of drug or alcohol abuse?
Everyone up to 75 years old participants are insured on trips or diving courses conducted by Raya Divers. The insurance is approved by Thai T.A.T. (Tourist Authority of Thailand), and it covers evacuation and treatment for accidents up to 500 000 THB (approx. 12 500 EUR). Most accidents are minor (stumbling on the deck of a boat, dehydration, etc), which the insurance covers easily. However, we recommend each traveler to have their own travel insurance, and for certified divers to have an insurance specifically for scuba diving. This would assist you to avoid possible coverage problems on severe injuries, decompression chamber treatment or expensive evacuation cases back to your home country.
Lähdettiin kokeilemaan laitesukellusta. Raya Divers antoi mahdollisuuden ”korottaa” sukelluskokeilu OWD kurssiin ja tähän tartuttiin. Matkalta mukaan tarttui siis OWD koulutus koko perheelle. Kaikin puolin mahtava reissu ja koulutus. Isot kiitokset Rayan tiimille. 5/5.
Thank you for a lovely trip that we will never forget! ❤️
Sukelluskokeilu pitkän tauon jälkeen 5/5. Puoliso ei halunnut laitesukeltamaan, mutta siitä huolimatta täällä onnistui tulla mukaan snorklausmatkalle. Saatiinkin olla ihan kaksin tällä reissulla ja saimme henkilökohtaiset oppaat. Kiitokset Katrille ja Olivialle
Puolison kanssa käytiin juuri sukelluskokeilussa Raya Diversilla Raya Yain saaren edustalla. Itse noin 7-vuotta sitten sukeltanut viimeksi, joten oli hyvä virkistää muistia ja puoliso nyt ensimmäistä kertaa kokeili sukellusta. Erittäin lämpimästi olen vuosien saatossa muistellut sukelluksia Raya Diversilla, henkilökunta mahtavaa! Tänäkin päivänä yhtä hyvä meininki vaikutti olevan kuin aikoinaan ja puolisokin innostui sukelluksesta:D Kiitos erittäin paljon ja nähdään pian uudelleen!:)